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How Living Frequencies Came to Be

Living Water

Consciously Supporting Emotional Truth 
How to use Living Water

I am The Miracle Alchemist. 

Several years ago I had a dream. In the dream there was a thunderstorm, but instead of rain, flowers were falling from the Heavens. In the dream there was a friend of mine, who later became the first person who agreed to use the Living Water Frequency. Because she was the first person, outside of myself of course, I did not know what to tell her what her experience would be. As it turned out, her experience placed her in a position of having to deal with a very traumatic incident that she wanted to put behind her, but in fact could not until the fear that surrounded the trauma was faced.

She lived alone in a midwest state. There was an individual who was breaking into the homes of women who lived alone and raping them. One night this serial rapist broke into her small apartment and attempted to rape her. Although she fought off the sexual assault, she was badly beaten. So much so that she lost much of the vision in one of her eyes. It was not long afterwards that she moved out of state.

There is a saying that goes, "wherever you go, there you are."  The attack left a dark shadow in her usually bright aura. The darkness of the attack haunted her day and night. Once she finally used the Living Water Frequency, within couple of days she received a notice that she would have to return to the city where the assault took place and testify against this man who had assaulted her.

Although the terror of this situation was not anything she wanted to face, the court proceedings went very smoothly, and she was highly commended for her bravery in coming forward. Needless to say, when she left court, a huge dark cloud had been lifted off of her shoulders, and the haunting feeling of terror was completely gone. 

This is what I understand about the Living Water Frequency today: There are dark traumatic emotional memories that are stored in the bodythat most individuals have either forgotten about, or they do not see how they are relevant today. Because it is a fearful unnatural emotional frequency that has taken refuge in the body,  if it is not dealt with the physical body will begin to suffer.

Any emotional darkness that is left over from a fearful event in the individuals past is a body memory that will end up sucking the life force from the body. These fearful memories are emotional vampires that live off of the health of the body until health is completely gone.

A false fearful memory will not just leave the body. This false fearful memory is stored in the cells of the body, and will break down the health in the cell by living off of a healthy cell until the fear is addressed. Most people will not agree to address these fearful attacks, and they eventually bring about sickness, disease, and eventual body death. The body was not made to die, or become sick. It will serve a higher purpose, but it cannot serve this purpose until the unnatural darkness that is hiding in the body is exposed. The Living Water Frequency exposes body fear so it can be consciously dealt with.

The beauty of the Living Water Frequency is that it works within a Living Realm of Higher Undersanding. This Higher Realm understands the problem, and also understands where to find the solution. The Living Flow of perfect understanding will lead to the perfect solution, if the solution is not interfered with. The individual must provide the trust that is necessary, and also the conscious willingness to move into the solution that will be provided.
Just as my friend did not have to do anything to find a solution to the non-sense of fear that was hiding her real emotional content, anyone who uses the Living Water Frequency will also be directed to their perfect solution.

It is the purpose of the Living Water to gently lead emotional truth towards an ultimate goal of emotional freedom. Because Living Water carries the frequency of life, what is not in harmony with life will be exposed. This is not because the individual is being punished, it is to release the higher Living Emotion into the blissful state of unrestrained and unlimited abundance, health, and happiness. 


The Living Water supports the Higher Frequency of emotional truth. This is not emotional truth that is being provided in the body as fear beased intelligence. Higher Emotional Truth comes from the Divine Nature. In the material world, Emotional Truth has been exchanged for a lesser material god. The material/emotional god is limited and temporary.


The purpose of the lesser god is to deceive Inno-Sense in emotional truth. will offer temporary material solutions to deceive. This purpose of a material deception is to place innocent emotions under the control of fear based intelligence. All material solutions are emotional traps, set up to place emotional Inno-Sense in bondage to fear based solutions. This will prevent the Creative Emotional Seed from joining with the Wholeness of  the Divine Creative Will.


The way to dispel the fear based god is to dispel the fear based intelligence that surrounds the creative emotion. This will call on the individuals willingness to begin the process of consciously using their OWN personal Will for a miracle purpose.


The material god offers a temporary material experience. However, a miracle offers a whole new kind of experience that is not temporary, but in fact will extend and increase in value through eternity. It is the individual who must make a conscious choice to move outside of their fear based intellectual experience, into a miracle experience. Without this conscious choice, the miracle experience cannot replace the fear based experience. Thus, the consciousness of the individual must be willing.


The purpose of the miracle experience is not to offer more fear, but rather offer a whole new way of emotionally experiencing reality.  Because miracles work in time, or in the 4th dimension, the Living Water Frequency is designed to consciously introduce the individuals emotions to Natural Flow to see that there is nothing to fear.


Because the fear based body intellect cannot enter flow, emotional seeds are allowed the freedom that they have been deprived of. Seeing that there is nothing to fear, and the material possessions they already have will not be denied to them, it begins to consciously dawn in the mind that the miracle experience is more preferable than what the fear based intellectual god has to offer.


Like miracles, Living Water Frequencies work in the 4th dimension, or time. Like miracles, Living Water Frequencies offer the individual access to value shifts in peaceful perceptions. Whereas fear based intelligence is full of fear and doubt, as it begins to dawn in consciousness the new experience that Living Water and miracles offer are preferable to the emotional control of fear based intelligence, it will only be a matter of time for the individual to move into a new journey of freedom.


The Livng Water Frequencies offer the means to experience what it is like to emotionally flow in a Living River. Once it is decided that this experience is consciously preferatble, the next step can be taken.


Everything you need to know will be provided on this journey, but if you are consciously unwilling to take the first step, then nothing can or will happen.




Living Water is simple and easy to use. All you have to do is spray it into your emotional body 4 times a day. It is preferable that you spray in the morning, twice during the day, and before you go to bed at night. That's it.

If you notice when fear based intelligence is attempting to intrude on the higher frequency of the Living Water, be willing to ask for your mind to be restored to peaceful flow. The more this is consciously practiced, the easier it will become.

However, there will be times when you have emotionally entered body fear. If this is the case, look into your mind to see where you have allowed fear based intelligence to enter. Once this is discovered, as for it to be undone for you. 

You are One with a Higher Creative Flow that moves through eternity. If you ask with emotional honesty, your request will be heard, and the upset will be undone for you.

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