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Cheril Goodrich
It took several years to bring the Living Frequencies into harmony with the Natural Elements necessary to develop a product that would emotionally trancend the limited body experience. Living Water allows consciousness to witness first hand the unlimited Power of Nature as it flows through the emotional body.


There is an aspect of the Self that has been set aside for the body experience.  This Self is Noble, and has access to the unlimited riches of the Universe, but in order to access these unlimited riches, the individual must learn to flow within the same Natural Flow as the natural elements.


Living Water is designed to bring conscious awareness to the unlimited abundance that has gone  virtually unnoticed for thousands of years because of limited body understanding. The Noble memories that attached us to what is referred to as a Golden Age have not been lost, but have been forgotten. Awakening these Golden Memories can be accerated by introducing the elements into the emotional mind.  This is the purpose of the Living Water Frequencies.

Iron is dense metal that requires.


Awakening the Golden memories of unlimited abundance can be done one of two ways. The first way involves using time as it is being used by individuals in linear time through body consciousness. This way is long arduous and tedious. The 2nd way involves  speeding time up by using it in a whole new way, or by shifting consciousness away from the unnatural dense flow of the body, towards the more natural flow in nature.


Just as a rock will eventually give way to the flow of a river, the iron will of consciousness will also give way to the flow in nature. However, if the individual chooses to consciously introduce the natural elements into their consciousness, they begin to understand it is much simpler to flow with nature than fight it. The elements in the Living Water Frequencies are an introduction into this Natural Flow.


The way to accelerate a shift in conscious understanding is through Alchemy, or exposing the dense iron clad will of the body to the Natural Elements.


The Natural Flow of the elements occuring in nature also occur in time. Shifting the iron clad will of consciousness away from the 3D body requires the individual to attain a new conscious relationship to time.  This process can be sped up. The Living Water Frequencies are designed to help speed up the process of returning to the Golden Age.


The Golden Age is a recognition that the collective occupants of this world are of Noble descent, and because of this Nobility they have access to the Abundance of the Universe.


Shifting the 3D will of conscious understanding to an invisible 4D will requires a whole new way of using consciousness.


It is obvious that we are individually a long way from the realization that we are collectively of Noble descent, and being such we have a Right to all of the abundant riches in the Universe. Setting a new Course of conscious study will begin the process of accelerated elemental learning, which will lead to a New Golden Age.







I am the developer of the Living Water Frequencies. It took several years to develop this product, and more years to understand its purpose. This product never ceases to amaze me.

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